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Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraine are a very common problem that many people suffer from.

There are many medications that can help to ease the pain but they can only temporarily relieve the symptoms and does not solve the root of the problem. Besides, medications are known to have side effects.

Chiropractic is a proven method that can effectively relieve pain with no known side effects.

There are many different types of headaches. The most common are migraine, cervicogenic and tension headaches.


Tension headache is the most common type of headache. The pain or discomfort usually occurs around the forehead and temporal regions when neck and scalp muscles are tense. Muscle tension are often caused by head injury, mental and physical stress.  


Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by episodes of pain usually on one side of the head. According to the World Health Organization, 18% of women and 7% of men suffer from migraines in the United States of America. Symptoms of migraines include throbbing, pulsating pain, nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity.


Cervicogenic usually occurs at the base of the neck. It also restricts head and neck movement. Symptoms include stiffness and tenderness at the base of the neck. When neck muscles become overly tense, they restrict blood circulation and nerve movement which result in pain and discomfort.

These three types of headaches can be easily treated with chiropractic treatment. Through just a few treatment sessions, patients will feel relieved from their chronic pain.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic (translated ‘to do by hand’) was founded over 100 years ago in the United States as a natural, safe and effective way to improve your overall body function and health. It is based on the scientific fact that your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism, which given the right environment, has the ability to be healthy and function optimally. Almost all your bodies functions are controlled by your brain, via your spinal cord and nerves. The bones of the spine are called ‘vertebrae’ which protect the communication pathways through the spine for your nerves. If any part of the nervous system is impaired, it may cause changes in the body’s cell’s, tissues and organs. Chiropractic’s focus is to improve your bodies nervous system function by improving your spinal function. By improving your nervous system function your body can have an improved environment in which to self heal and self regulate. By creating better function we are increasing your health potential and allowing your body to work at a more optimal level.
What does a chiropractor do?
A chiropractors responsibility is to assess and improve your spinal and nervous system function. Your chiropractor will assess your spine specifically for restrictions in spinal motion and determine whether this may be affecting your nervous system. If these restrictions occur a chiropractors goal is to restore optimal movement and function to that area, thereby allowing optimal nervous system control and a greater health status.
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment is what chiropractors do when they are treating your spine. When a chiropractor by hand, or by other certain techniques improve the movement within your spinal vertebrae or structures, it is referred to as an ‘adjustment’ of your spine.
Are chiropractic adjustments safe?
Yes extremely safe. There are very few reported cases of serious injury associated with chiropractic care in the history of our profession. There are some, but the vast majority of cases reported over the last 100 years have been from other practitioners who are not chiropractors. These are often reported as ‘chiropractic techniques’ and unfortunately chiropractic get’s the blame! Doctors of chiropractic study at university for a minimum of five years and are taught thoroughly how to care for the spine safely. Our chiropractors also undertake postgraduate courses, seminars and studies where we are kept up to date on the latest in safety research and practise. I would challenge anyone to find a more thorough and complete chiropractic assessment compared to our standard at Spinecare Chiropractic. When spinal x-rays and thermal imaging are added to range of motion, orthopaedic and postural assessments, our chiropractic care is safer than ever! To put this in relative perspective, the chance of suffering a serious incident from a chiropractic adjustment is 250 times less than the chances of suffering a serious incident from taking an Aspirin! It’s actually more likely to be struck by lightning than have a serious problem from visiting a chiropractor! With this kind of safety you can rest assured – you’re in secure hands with our Spinecare chiropractors.
How do I know if I have a subluxation?
The most common reasons why people visit our Spinecare chiropractors initially is for back pain, neck pain and headaches. When pain is present this is by far the biggest clue that your spinal function is at a reduced level. However, what our chiropractors find is that your spinal dysfunction can be present for long periods of time before symptoms appear. Symptoms are often the last and not the first sign that subluxations are present. Often we find that your subluxations can be present since early age and can often be traced to trauma’s or accidents that have happened in the past. If you weren’t already aware our Spinecare chiropractors frequently look after babies and children in our practices. Just like adults, our babies and kids can have spinal and nervous system dysfunction. The birth process as well as repeated falls are common reasons why changes may occur. The way to know exactly how your spine and nervous system is functioning is to have a thorough assessment by your Spinecare chiropractor.